Dancing in the Dark

For full effect, turn off the lights, bump the video up to 720p, and switch to full screen. Live stop-motion and believable antigravity — prepare to have your mind blown. I’m a sucker for good dancing of any genre, but here the combination of sick moves AND tech creates such an entirely novel, totally trippy… Continue reading Dancing in the Dark

Lego Prothesis

If only I had the foresight to make Lego body parts instead of space ships as a kid, look where it could have gotten me! This is the amazing creation of Max Shepherd, an engineering undergrad and tinkerer.

Categorized as Design, Nifty

Sexy Time Exclusive

The super sleek vibrator on the left is my baby [yes, I made her myself, from soldering the circuit board to engraving the logo!], a custom not-for-sale color combo that makes me feel like a female James Bond with an arsenal of special toys [exaggeration]. Hottt. If you’re interested in one, ask nicely and I… Continue reading Sexy Time Exclusive

Categorized as Design, Nifty


So what’s next? After a nail-biter of a month of interviews and waiting, I was finally offered an engineering/manufacturing/get-shit-done internship with CRAVE [NSFW], a luxury sex toy startup in the throes of launching their first product. It’s been just about a week now and without any long-term responsibilities I still feel adrift, but I’ve been… Continue reading CRAVE

Categorized as Design

“Only well-executed objects can be beautiful.”

Principle of Design #3: Good design is aesthetic The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products we use every day affect our person and our well-being. But only well-executed objects can be beautiful. – Dieter Rams The SF Museum of Modern Art is currently hosting the “Less and More” traveling… Continue reading “Only well-executed objects can be beautiful.”

Categorized as Design