In the spirit of Craigslist Missed Connections [after disclosing my not-so-secret guilty pleasure in a previous post], an MC of my very own! I thought it might be fun to relay some of the amusing and random interactions with strangers that are impossible to avoid in a tiny city like SF [and which, let’s be honest, I actively seek out anywhere I am. life is so much more fun when you can make other people entertain you!] so consider this the first in an irregular series!
w4m – San Francisco
I tried to burn you running up the hill on 15th to Market, but you seemed to accept the challenge and arrived at the intersection right on my heels. We wove through the Lower Haight and the Panhandle, sometimes together, sometimes taking different routes, and finally reconnected on the return trip at the corner of 15th and Church. “The home stretch!” I said, feeling like I ought to acknowledge our mutual, unintentional stalking, and we chatted briefly about your NY Marathon experience and my dislike of running. I feel guilty about not mentioning that I play soccer a few times a week [at least then it wouldn’t have implied that, sans training, I am magically athletic]; I’ll also admit that pace was partially for your benefit [can’t pass up a friendly competition!]. It wasn’t my usual running time, but maybe I’ll see you on the streets again one of these days. In the meantime, I now have something to train for :)